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Self Care Sunday

Too often women don’t put themselves on the list. They don’t take time to care for themselves emotionally, physically, or spiritually. If they do, they feel guilty. It is not selfish to take care of you children’s mom, your friends’ friend, your husband’s wife, your parent’s daughter?

1. Meditate in a quiet place

2. Have a mini declutter session

3. Read an enriching book

4. Take a long, warm bath

5. Burn your favorite candle

6. Go for a long walk

7. Get a massage

8. Have a dance party

9. Write down 10 things you’re grateful for

10. Journal to release your thoughts

11. Indulge in your favorite treat

12. Do something that makes you laugh

13. Get up early, make yourself breakfast, and enjoy your morning

14. Watch the sun rise

15. Create a vision board

16. Plan a weekend getaway and stay at an Airbnb

17. Go on a retreat and unplug

18. Slow down and be present

19. Take a nap

20. Stretch

21. Binge-watch your favorite Netflix show

22. Have a lunch date with a friend

23. Do something creative

24. Go on a road trip

25. Have a game/pizza night with friends

26. Go to a museum

27. Listen to your favorite podcast

28. Create a personal blog

29. Write a list of things you love about yourself

30. Try a new, healthy recipe

31. Do a brain dump

32. Have a Bob Ross paint party

33. Throw yourself a little party

34. Sing your heart out

35. Have an intense workout session

36. Have a staycation

37. Plan a road trip with friends

38. Do something for the first time, like trying out a new restaurant

39. Unplug for awhile

40. Plan a spa day

41. Create loving, positive affirmations for yourself and repeat them daily

42. Stop comparing yourself to others

43. Give yourself a manicure

44. Buy yourself some flowers

45. Go on a hike, get into nature

46. Surround yourself with people who inspire you

47. Cook your favorite meal

48. Stay well rested

49. Watch your favorite movie

50. Call someone you love.

What is your Self Care Sunday going to look like today?

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