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How to cope with depression and the debilitating symptoms.

“How weary, stale, flat and unprofitable, seem to me all the uses of this world!” Shakespeare speaks on depression.

Young man sitting looking depressed

Young man sitting looking upset

Do you ever feel so down in the dumps that you have a difficult time functioning? Do you lack energy, lying motionless during the day? You may have a hard time thinking clearly, can’t concentrate, and find it impossible to make a simple decision. Do you find yourself eating too much or with zero appetite? Are your days filled with gray? Do you feel hopeless, worthless, and guilty for these feelings? Do you wish this toll would come to an end? Does this feeling of sadness feel like it will never come to an end?

Want to find ways to relieve your symptoms, try the following:

You may have a form of depressive disorders. There may be certain circumstances that add to these issues such as… Winter blues, being stuck inside hibernating for most of the winter like a big brown bear; feeling stuck in an unprofitable job; and kids driving you nuts. It all adds up and functioning with some or all of these symptoms makes you feel like you just want to quit. There are solutions for every one of these problems.

The following are a few easy tips to begin with:

EXERCISE! No, you definitely do not need to get a gym membership to workout.

  • Breathing in the fresh air is nature’s simplest remedy. Nowadays we seem to be shoveling a few times a day. What a refreshing way to get the heart pumping!
  • Walk, walk, walk even if it’s for 10 minutes, if you can stick to a daily routine of 10 minutes out the door, you will feel way better every day!
  • *Note: Please always check with your family physician prior to starting any new exercise program.

NUTRITION! Eating well is important for your physical AND mental health. Eating nutritious foods daily will perk up your energy and minimize mood swings.

SLEEP! Now, I am sure you might be lazing around all day already, but what I mean by sleep is make it a regular routine. Make a habit of scheduling your sleep. If you were up until 3am, still set your alarm for 7am. If you sleep for 14 hours a day, set your alarm for sleeping only 8-10. This will help your sleep get back on track.

SOCIAL SUPPORT! I don’t mean FB social support, I mean, contact with people face-to-face on a daily basis. Join a class, volunteer your time, you will be helping yourself, I guarantee it!

STRESS REDUCTION! Find ways to minimize the impact of stressful situations. Choose to drive slower so you don’t get irritated by the aggressive driver, make an effort to maintain friendships that build you up, not bring you down.

LAST! Sometimes it helps to have a listening ear. We are “hear” to help! Also, gain a deeper understanding and assistance with a new direction for your life, come in and have a chat with us! OVCS Team

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