Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) “Mindfulness is about being fully awake in our lives. It is about perceiving the exquisite vividness of each moment.” – Jon [...]
GROUP PROGRAMS Please contact the Orchard Valley Counselling Services at 250-718-7457, if you have any questions about our programs. View all dates for group programs on calendar. (2019 CALENDAR [...]
Separated or divorced? Want to know how you’re adjusting? Adjusting After A Separation or Divorce. How Are You Coping?Complete the Fisher Divorce Adjustment Scale & you will receive an [...]
Have you really let go of your past relationship? Find out by answering the following statements with either true or false I think of my former love partner often. I fantasize about being [...]
Relaxation Is Key To Relieving Your Stressful Life Life can be stressful now-a-days with the fast pace of our modern world, with our improved technology, advances in health care, long working [...]
Below is 7 Problem Solving Tips: Identify the problem List different ideas to resolve the problem (brainstorm) Select one idea Assess the results of that one idea Substitute another idea if that [...]
Identifying Core Fears Let’s look at identifying core fears in this article. A “core fear” is a damaging dance that everyone involves themselves in, which stems from fear. Every [...]
7 Types of Affairs: PART 1 {Part 1 includes the first 3 types of affairs.} ONE NIGHT STAND AFFAIR INTIMACY & CONFLICT AVOIDANCE AFFAIR (They avoid dealing with their issues.) PHILANDERER [...]
Cures For Communicating In Your Relationship According To John M. Gottman (Crown Publishers, 1999), “The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work,” for more information on the [...]
Why would we want to lean into something that is very distressing like anxiety? Because what you resist, persists. Leaning into your anxiety is one way to manage and cope with anxiety better. [...]