Christina is a professional Registered Social Worker and Counsellor with Orchard Valley Counselling Services. She works passionately to serve our community through her work with the seniors [...]
Want to be free for good from things that are hurting you or causing you distress. These things may no longer serve you so let go of them right now. Some of the following things to may [...]
Sleep Strategies That Improve Your Health We provide you with the best sleep strategies for your mental health. Did you know that your quality of sleep impacts your physical and mental health? [...]
What is a rescuer? Are you a rescuer? By Christina Fenske Based on the book (1994/2000/2016), “Rebuilding When Your Relationship Ends” by Bruce Fisher, Ed.D.(p.15) A rescuer is [...]
Are you lacking motivation? Feeling stuck and having difficulty getting things done? We can help. We probably all agree that we’ve had days or weeks of feeling unproductive, lacking [...]
Best 20 Journal Prompts The best 20 journal prompts for anxiety and depression are helpful addition to the bullet journal or your regular journal. It can be a great way to help keep you focused, [...]
How to Start A Stress Diary Learn To Identify The Root Cause of Short-Term Stress We want to show you how to start a stress diary of your own. Begin the journey to a calmer life with a Stress [...]
Feel like you don’t know enough about depression and anxiety. Read below to learn more. What is Depression? The word depression is used a lot in everyday language to describe feelings such [...]