Telephone Counselling Sessions Telephone counselling sessions in Kelowna and West Kelowna are now available by some counsellors. Reach out and ask our counsellors if they provide telephone [...]
Employee Assistance Programs Employee assistance programs (EAP) are employee benefit programs that assists employees with personal difficulties and/or work-related difficulties that may [...]
Mental Health Benefits – First Nations Health Authority First Nations Health Authority provides clients with access to counselling services from mental health providers. FNHA [...]
Financial Assistance & Benefits There are many ways a crime can affect your life. If you have been physically or emotionally hurt as a result of a violent crime, you may be entitled to [...]
Crime Victim Assistance Program (CVAP) If you are a victim of a crime, you can apply to the BC Crime Victim Assistance Program for assistance for needed services including counselling. [...]
Letter for Contacting Your Insurance Provider To Whom It May Concern: I am writing to formally request that our health plan provider amend the parameters for counselling services in the benefit [...]
Extended Health Coverage You may have extended health coverage through your workplace. Many extended health plans cover Registered Clinical Counsellors (RCC), Registered Social Workers, [...]
ICBC If you have been in an accident and have an open claim with ICBC, and have either a claim number, or are already working with a lawyer, you are likely eligible for Part 7 psychological [...]