

Registered Clinical Counsellor

Ryan - Registered Clinical Counsellor

Ryan is a Registered Clinical Counsellor in the Province of British Columbia who has spent most of his time in private practice focused on individual counselling of adults and teens. He enjoys working with a wide variety of clients and prior to his time as a counsellor, he spent over ten years working in the education system.

He believes that by creating a safe, empathetic, and non-judgemental space, individuals can explore what their authentic self is looking for in life. We are all shaped by our experiences in life, both positive and negative, many of those experiences took place during our childhood and adolescent years and have shaped who we are today. A significant amount of the habits, frustrations, and triggers that we have as adults, were formed during our youth, and were out of our control. This sometimes requires us to reflect on and challenge beliefs we have developed about oneself, family, and the perspective (lens) that we view the world through.

His philosophy is based around a humanistic approach to therapy. He believes that we should work towards being true to ourselves to live a fulfilling life. Everyone has a unique way of viewing the world which guides our actions and choices. Self-actualization, self-direction, and choice are essential components of our growth and healing.

He treasures seeing the changes that his clients make on their journey through life and believes it is a privilege to be allowed into his client’s lives. He believes that by making changes in our lives and how we approach things, individuals can live the life that they deserve and desire to live.

Ryan's Contact Info

Phone: 1-604-557-8936
Email: ryan@ovcs.ca

Contact Ryan using the email form below. Alternatively, you may also call him directly at 1-604-557-8936.

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