 In For Depression

How to Support Someone with Depression

Here are the following ways to support someone who has depression:

  1. To recognize that their behaviour isn’t intentional nor is it personal
  2. Acknowledge that it’s not your job to fix them or make them better
  3. This condition is a complex disorder with physical, emotional, psychological and cognitive components
  4. Understand that this condition is like recovering from the flu which takes time for the body to heal
  5. Depression is something that is linked to feelings of hopelessness and helplessness
  6. Be assertive and authentic with them
  7. Also encourage them to be authentic
  8. Validate them on their feelings
  9. Be empathetic
  10. Work to allay their guilt and shame
  11. Have a support system of your own if you need one
  12. Set clear boundaries and take of yourself so you don’t end up burnt out
  13. Ensure that they know how important they are too you
  14. Assist them to consider ways to live in the moment and have them look into Acceptance and Committment Therapy. What does their rich and meaningful life look like? How can you be happy and depressed at the same time?
  15. Ask them what you can do to be helpful. What can I do for you right now, that would improve the moment? ie. going on a hike with them, watching a movie with them. Ask them directly what is helpful to them and not assume you know what’s better for them.

Bonus Thoughts:

  • Ask them to try doing something for at least 15minutes and if they don’t like it, they don’t need to keep doing it. But it’s about doing it for a short period of time. Once going out for a walk, a person might want to stay out longer and enjoy it.
  • Inquire with them as to what would help to lower the stress. How can you help them to create a low stress environment ie. energy wasted means less energy to things that matter the most
  • Offer assistance to reduce the demands on them and be curious about their lack of follow through
  • Give them positive reinforcement

If all they can do is brush their teeth, and their hair that day, those behaviours help them to get moving and up out of bed. It’s a start.

Should you or someone you know need help with your mental health or anything else please connect with us today. Also, check out our other articles on Anxiety that you may find helpful. One we would suggest reading is on Applying Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy To Treatment.

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